add your expert advise to enhance the site performance - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello team,

i've brought a new vps joomla sites. request add expert advise enhance site performance, security , more.

i've installed jch pro full optimization settings , have achieved 1.4 seconds of load time 94% score. sure there more enhance user experience on our joomla.

please add valuable inputs.

an apache hardening guide: ... -security/

securing php long topic many people disagree due competing solutions, , frankly legitimate reasons, such each method being best few of many varying server profiles. smartest approach become intimate php's configuration options:

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two other top results "php security" in google ;) (they're good, said above, welcome web app security college.) ... heat_sheet

the official joomla security guides last because that's how stone atop pyramid gets there:


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