Thread: Command Line Problem: AOM
hey what's fellas! wondering if me out think command line problem while trying run age of mythology on laptop. i'm new ubuntu i'm trying learn best can. had couple of dll file problems , problem disk-check able solve seem have hit brick wall.![]()
i'm trying run aom on laptop "ubuntu 9.10" through "wine 1.3.15".
"winecfg" set windows xp, oss sound driver, hardware acceleration = emulation, virtual desktop (800x600), "pidgen (native,builtin)" overide in library the pidgen.dll , mfc42.dll file replacements, files missing , causing errors. got nocd-crack version of aom, can run without disk , placed in aom's directory (nocd-crack file named "aom2.exe") replace original "aom.exe" game file. owned original hard copy of aom cd-key i'm able play it. when placed new "aom2.exe" game file in aom directory, left original "aom.exe" game file was, didn't think cause conflicting problems.
got directions winecfg , nocd-crack version off age of mythology winehq version 1.0 page:
when try run aom through desktop icon's default command prompt "insert cd1" popup. default command icon is:
my next attempt try , run game through terminal. cd correct directory ("cd aomd1/aom") , run game using "wine aom2.exe", frozen splash screen , crash forces me terminate process , comes these errors (i exact same errors when trying run original "aom.exe" file disk in well):env wineprefix="/home/nick/.wine" wine c:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /unix /home/nick/.wine/dosdevices/c:/users/public/desktop/age\ of\ mythology.lnk
nick@nick-laptop:~/aomd1/aom$ fixme:msctf:langbarmgr_getshowfloatingstatus stub: (0x134fe8 )
fixme:msctf:langbarmgr_showfloating stub: (0x134fe8 )
fixme:imm:immdisabletextframeservice stub
fixme:imm:immreleasecontext (0x2004a, 0x133c70): stub
fixme:imm:notifyime ni_closecandidate
fixme:imm:immgetopenstatus (0x133c70): semi-stub
fixme:win:enumdisplaydevicesw ((null),0,0x33ec58,0x00000000), stub!
directions mentioned winehq page crash happens because movieplayer.exe cannot find play list. if understand correctly, means intro video causing crash. winehq's solution problem skip intro video entirely changing desktop icons command line prompt , adding "+nointrocinematics" command it, have example of how on page , 1st command line. changing think appropriate information (username, directory names, drives, ect.) came bottom command line:
my version:env wineprefix="/home/myusername/.wine" wine "c:\programme\microsoft games\age of mythology\aom.exe" xres=1024 +nosound +nointrocinematics bpp=16 +window +lowend +terrainhalfdensity +lowpoly -waterbump skipmipmaplevels=1 graphicdetail=2
i added drive in winecfg lettered "f" command line "/home/aomd1/aom/aom2.exe" wine know start nocd-crack version of aom through desktop icon, why replaced "c:" "f:" drive letter in version of command prompt. said command needed "+nointrocinematics" why left rest out.env wineprefix="/home/nick/.wine" wine c:\\windows\\command\\start.exe /unix /home/nick/.wine/dosdevices/f:/users/public/desktop/age\ of\ mythology.lnk +nointrocinematics
when click on desktop icon wine's virtual desktop screen proceeds crash without splash screen ever appearing. when run command through terminal same virtual desktop screen crash, along these errors:
so unsurprisingly command line prompt right enough run, wrong enough crash without loading game. i'm trying best learn kind of stuff far i'm not having luck. i've given guy's relevant information can think of (probablyfixme:exec:shell_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
err:exec:shellex_load_object_and_run failed data object) , if of still reading @ point, whatever or advice can give appreciated.
i'll continue work on , change command line see if can fix , if results i'll sure post update, might else in future.
hey anyone?![]()
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