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Thread: Clementine won't open

hi all,

installed lubuntu 11.04, fine except
clementine not open @ all. below can find
error message when run terminal.

have idea why happening? somebody
please help?

lot in advance..

here error message (clementine never opens)

jorge@office-desktop:~$ clementine  couldn't load icon "clementine-panel"  couldn't load icon "clementine-panel-grey"  error connecting notifications service.  virtual bool gnomeglobalshortcutbackend::doregister() - starting  virtual bool gnomeglobalshortcutbackend::doregister() - gnome settings daemon not registered  virtual bool qxtglobalshortcutbackend::doregister()  couldn't load icon "find"  application asked unregister timer 0x1f00000a not registered in thread. fix application. bus error jorge@office-desktop:~$

have tried reinstalling? looks me might missing dependencies or (take grain of salt because have no idea, give shot anyway). smarter able give better answer.

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