Joomla! 3.4 Extension Installation Problems - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi joomla! forum members,

i migrating joomla 3.4 (i think) 2.5. after quite hassle of process. done through godaddy, guess first question is: how use latest backup of site 2.5 version put 3.5 in condition such don't have rebuild completely? if future upgrades going require re-build website everytime new version of software comes out, don't think using joomla! longer.

second, thought deleted every trace of jdownloads component in ftp server, each time try re-upload , install extension in 3.4 joomla! version under "extension manager", following error message, followed "error installing component" message. do?

jfolder: :delete: path not folder. path: /home/bwarren917/public_html/components/com_jdownloads/language

duplicate key name 'idx_cat_id' sql=alter table `jos_jdownloads_files` add index `idx_cat_id` (`cat_id`);


- did update site joomla 3x ?
- check correct path of folder: tmp , logs
- check database, table exist or not?


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