Huge ucm_content table after migration - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have made offline migration 1.5 3.3.6. original content table had 233.1 mb, migrated 1 has 363.4.

now there table called "ucm_content" has 423.7 mb in size, similar number of entries. entire database size 806.9 mb, while original 235.1.

i have read has new versioning feature. have disabled "save history" option, data in table there. if want use versioning in future, don't need keep amount of redundant data consuming resources. how can remove safely?

thanks in advance

i have solved disabling "save history" option after fresh installation, , doing migration process.

however, it's kind of bug, since there no way clean garbage data after migration default installation of joomla.

now i'm having serious issue showing articles in proper order. please me here: viewtopic.php?f=710&t=880584


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