Flash Multicast Player : Interface Address

i have created own multicast configurator , player . based on documentation here http://help.adobe.com/en_us/flashmediaserver/devguide/ws7812b00092aae0dc-2829dcd012a54a3ed 1a-8000.html#ws7812b00092aae0dc-24f6ecf312a54a597b9-7fff still couldnt find how can use "interface address" parameter in action script .


can 1 please point me right class/direction add in player , configurator ?

if machine hosting fms has more 1 nic, means machine have no. of ips equal no. of nic card. when install fms on such machine, bounds ips.


when enter ip address 1 nic in interface address text box (which optional parameter) of configurator, fms determines nic use while publishing using interface ip address. if enter interface address in configurator along other details , click on generate, appends 1 more query parameter named "fms.multicast.interface" in publisher stream name. stream name used publish multicast stream fms. in player side, don't have add or modify parameter.

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