How do I restore images and collections back to my LR4?



i seem have corrupted version of lr4 , adobe tech in india got on computer remotely , screwed me worse.  seemed reset default system , removed plist (which have on desktop) lr version showing 6 months ago , missing many images, collections etc.  answer " re import images , sorry don't know mac".  gee thanks!  have mac , not sure restore them in time machine or if put plist fix problem.  never got call adobe senior tech issue.  if can help...please.  professional photographer , need able work catalogue other day.  not in lr since creates duplicate files take way space when have on 50k images. 


thanks assistance.

you need identify previous catalogue file, spotlight search files lrcat extension. working catalogue in pictures / lightroom. first there, later in time machine.


also, when lr closes offers create backup of catalogue (this catalogue, not images). dialog should appear @ least once week. these backups in finder?


once you're on track, recommend more familiar catalogue , how it's backed up. lrcat file crucial , shouldn't need rely on unreliable external support.



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