Reset adobe LC Administrator Passpowrd to default "password"

if wish change administrator’s password livecycle server must manually in database.


administrator’s password password stored in database table edcprincipallocalaccountentity.


select correct record run query:

select uidstring, password, salt
from adobe.edcprincipallocalaccountentity a, adobe.edcprincipaluserentity b
where a.refuserprincipalid = , b.uidstring = ‘administrator’;

the values in salt , password field constitute password administrator account. on sample installation password administrator account “password” password field set to:


and salt field set to:


to reset password “password” run update command update 2 fields in edcprincipallocalaccountentity table above values , should able login.

update adobe.edcprincipallocalaccountentity, adobe.edcprincipaluserentity
set password = ‘txscdjeeqczwccumudf8wijx/he=’, salt = ‘jnibnmos3d0we9w8oqufiq==’
where adobe.edcprincipallocalaccountentity.refuserprincipalid =
and adobe.edcprincipaluserentity.uidstring = ‘administrator’;

you may have restart application server these changes take affect.

additional information

this solution has been verified on mysql database livecycle es 8.0.  database schema later versions of livecycle es (8.2.1, 9, 10 etc…), , other database types (oracle, sql server) may differ, , may require modifications above sql statements.

in databases “edcprincipallocalaccountentity” table not exist, represented “edcprincipallocalaccount” table. information in technote provided as-is , should tested before applying production database.  performing full backup of database before applying changes recommended




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