New user registration and activation - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, need figure out strange problem appeared after upgrade 3.4.

i have settings new user registration activation admin.
after upgrade, see new users activated without admin approval! (while have new user account activation: admin).

simple after clicking email verification link user message account activated admin, admin takes no action!

how it's possible? how can fix it?

please, see attached picture steps understand i'm talking about.

thank you,

this weird bug.
after conducting hundred of registration tests different permission settings , permissions users. found out next.
if have more 1 user in administrator group (incl. supervisor) , if have "receive system emails
=yes" have bug (automatic admin activation of new user).
if have user receive system emails working fine.

really strange behaviour , see no logic in it. have set config way make work.
any idea?


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