JQUERY problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support


i use gameserver! component, , have problem jquery.
because support author of component not respond.
i need you.

autoupdate (maybe jquery) not working j3.4 j3.2.1 working perfect.

joomla 3.4 (not working)

joomla 3.2.1 (working)

can me fix problem?

thank you.

from firebug console, retrieving following error:
"networkerror: 404 not found - http://safe-zone.sk/index.php?option=co ... k=filtered"

i not familiar com_gameserver component sure causing problem.

it not jquery issue because no javascript errors returned. know jquery working because otherwise, not try load mentioned link.

i check make sure that link publicly accessible - right link either broken or not publicly accessible.


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