I am unable to install LR plugins (LR4) (Mac OS)

i instructed drag plugins plugin folder, lr not contained in folder can open. finder can ask "show package contents" , can see plugins view. cannot access contents folder within lr itself. attaching couple of screenshots illustrate. lr.pngshow pkg contents.pnglr contents folder.png

jessica, don't want install plug-ins in app they'll disappear every time upgrade.  put them somewhere safe on hard drive, you're not going move them.  people create plug-ins folder in macintosh hd / users / [your username] / library / application support / adobe / lightroom / they're stored other lr presets, although have jump through few hoops find folder it's hidden. 


go file menu > plug-in manager , press add button, navigate wherever stored plug-in, , you'll set.

More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC



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