How to create heirarchical numbered lists in InDesign CS6

hi all,


i have searched quite bit on web usual tutorials assist basic layout queries.


i have never had try , build manuals heirarchical lists in them in indesign.

something word automatically (including usual problems subsequent formatting of course).


what need approach getting manual laid out , able updated , edited possible.


main heading


x. section heading

     x.y content paragraph

         x.y.z content sub paragraphs




main configuration


1. balancing internal shafts

     1.1 accessing spindle

          1.1.1 c-clips , bearing removal

          1.1.2 reversible bezel fitting

     1.2 removing spindle

2. setting lathe




i have tried sorts of ways automatic handling of because tied paragraph format , have section , body formatting find can 1 level numbering appears work:


1 balancing internal shafts

     1 accessing spindle

     2 c-clips , bearing removal

     3 reversible bezel fitting

     4 removing spindle

2 setting lathe


i beginning think not quite able setup in indesign comments if possible...


best regards,


you need set 1 paragraph style each level.

in each paragraph style got section "bullets & numbering"

set numbering, set each paragraph style corresponding level. each level add in numbering field placeholder same level, in second , third level set placeholder , dot before actual level first , second level (this third level of course).

it goot idea create , select list can done in same dialog. work without list better use list not numbering problems ohter numbered lists in document.

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