Changing blact textured fabric T-shirt into white

hi there,


i facing challenge  — need convert black t-shirt whithe, fabric textured. see attached imgs please:


i tried several things, best result got looks somehow close disaster:

despite strong curves adjustment layer, there seems not chance contrast.



see how looks similar shirt different material — brief idea:


do have idea? inversion not work because of shadows, shadows/highlights not much. converting white black more easier & perfect — because of this, there should reverse way…


thank in advance ideas guys…

converting white black more easier & perfect — because of this, there should reverse way…

was intended joke?


edit: please forgive attempt @ drollery, conclusion not seem justified in opinion/experience.

in darker/shadowed areas of photographed »black« object 1 not have sufficient contrast allow decent recoloring opposite range of brightness of color of photographed object in experience.

do @ least work in 16bit?

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