Menu/Sub-menu/Sub-sub-menu?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello everyone,

i'll try explain right problem or question.
i working on website , wanted have principal menu appear on top , once click it, bring "home" of principal menu selected , appear 5 menu (let's call sub-menu guess) principal menu.

so problem 1 principal menu , shows me right.
but when created principal menu (i want 5 of them 5 sub-menu inside of each 1 of them) shows me created first principal menu , not second.

i used swmenu sub-menu , duplicate them second one.

i guess problem because duplicated module of swmenu , counting one, , not separately.

i'm sorry if i'm not explaining myself correctly hope understands , tries me, urgent me.

thank you.

i want this:

once click on 1 of them:
home solutions | business solutions | service provider solutions

it brings 5 sub-menus.

thank you.


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