Is Apple Store can easily accept my flash mobile app?

hi guys,


i work mobile application development company tenacious techies, , have created mobile app education in adobe flash professionals cs6, app static , publish on google play store , apple store, want know accept app?

because heard somewhere if app develop in native platform, create problems. true?


please reply asap


thank you

ravi desai

web/mobile app designer


tenacious techies

you can easy publish app. first of - may finish app thin requirements. test memory leak. volume media asset better store in separate files. better don't embed mp3 music , fullscreen jpegs/png application , put assets folder. in runtime load , use. increase performance.


than need ios , android receive certificates. publish flash cs6 using certificates , provisioning profiles. upload app approval , wait. if app not contain technical errors crash, bugs - app approved successful.

i suggest use latest public release of adobe air. don't use embeded cs6 air come installation. it's outdated.

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