Custom administrator login address, okay in version 3.4? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

1) had issues possible hacking backend of website. developer decided make administration login be..

i noticed there new user authentication, wanted make sure not have issues logging new joomla version if decide update 3.3 3.4.

2) in current 3.3 installation, not showing me links new version of joomla out.. should be?

3) noticed updated remove features.. happen when site being updated too? curious, not think use web links feature , wouldn't mind removing install too.


re #1: plugin gives little protection. check out (free) plugin (see jed) : adminexile

re #2: must upgrade , make sure @ latest stable version otherwise site vulnerable! if not show update go --> extension manager-->database-->hit fix followed extension manager-->updates-->purge cache-->refresh browser (clear caches) --> extension manager-->updates-->find updates. joomla update should show. if still not showing download update package , install through install option of extension manager

re #3: update remove "weblinks" stuff , wont work anymore though still show in component list in admin. either uninstall through extension manager-->manage-->select weblinks , uninstall or download weblinks version jed , install component again

leo 8)


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