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Thread: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 231

welcome ubuntu weekly newsletter, issue 231 week of august 29 - sept 4th, 2011.

in issue

  • announcing ubuntu app developer week
  • ubuntu 11.10 beta 1 (oneiric ocelot) released
  • ubuntu stats
  • loco news
  • ubuntu women: ubuntu women conference goodies!
  • ara pulido: ubuntu friendly sprinting! monday, tuesday, wednesday
  • brian murray: volume of bugs ubuntu our fault
  • victor tuson palau: how benefit ubuntu pre-install?
  • alan bell: science of meetings
  • jono bacon: loco team portal gets blogging support
  • ubuntu 11.10 oneiric reviews
  • canonical targets embedded devices ubuntu core
  • linus torvalds , others on community burnout
  • featured podcasts
  • weekly ubuntu development team meetings
  • upcoming meetings , events
  • updates , security 8.04, 10.04, 10.10 11.04 , 11.10
  • and more

general community news

announcing ubuntu app developer week

next session of ubuntu app developer week taking place september 5th through 9th. should one!

unity contributor report beta 1: it's peanut butter beta time.

jorge castro of ubuntu community team sums unity contributions beta 1 , invites more users contribute during left of release cycle. in post outlines unity contributors of week, what's going on in oneiric, targeted bugs , how involved. if looking more information on state of unity , how can castro's post must read.

ubuntu 11.10 development update

6 weeks left in ubuntu 11.10 development cycle, david planella updates community on how release shaping up, upcoming events , more.

ubuntu 11.10 beta 1 (oneiric ocelot) released.
milestone in development release cycle has been achieved. beta 1 available , ready testing. see announcement links , information not ubuntu supported deriviates well.

ubuntu stats

bug stats

  • open (89435) - 75 on last week
  • critical (175) - 13 on last week
  • unconfirmed (46716) + 244 on last week

always, bug squad needs more help. if want started, please see

translation stats oneiric

  • spanish (13900) -4203 on last week
  • brazilian portuguese (51330) -261 on last week
  • english (united kingdom) (57336) -1044 on last week
  • french (79428) +25 on last week
  • german (83053) +28 on last week

remaining strings translate in ubuntu 11.10 "oneiric oncelot", see more at: ,

ubuntu brainstorm top ideas week

ubuntu brainstorm community site geared toward letting add ideas ubuntu. can submit own idea, or vote or against idea.

ask ubuntu top 5 questions week

ask (and answer!) own questions @

loco news

nobuto murata: open source conference 2011 nagoya, japan

japanese loco team members attend hajime mizuno open source conference nagoya 2011, , distribute hundreds of cds 11.04 + desktop / server lts 10.04. 11.04 japanese remix installed , displayed @ ubuntu booth on 600 attendees had opportunity view demo's , gather information on ubuntu.

elizabeth krumbach: ubuntu california @ picn*x 20 , android cookies

in article elizabeth krumbach summarizes how worked , others california loco team organize celebration of 20th anniversary of linux picn*x. included in article photos of use of canonical gifts approved loco teams. complete cookie recipe , android cookie cutters post offers more sweets make loco party enjoyable success.

software freedom day 2011 nicaragua

jose ernesto points out software freedom day listed global event in loco directory , nicaraguan team participating in event again year. adds software freedom day 2011 nicaragua organized members of nicaraguan free software community. more information on how join in event can found in post.

the planet

ubuntu women: ubuntu women conference goodies!

elizabeth krumbach, of uw leadership team, blogs availabilty of resources available ubuntu women project use @ conferences. resources not include business cards, stickers, magnets , more.

ara pulido: ubuntu friendly sprinting! monday, tuesday, wednesday
ubuntu friendly team spent last week sprinting , fine tuning inner workings ubuntu friendly program. ara pulido great job summarizing each days accomplishments , provides mock-ups website , more.

brian murray: volume of bugs ubuntu our fault

brian murray explains how 1,078 unnecessary bug reports created , says, "...when @ bugs have been created in launchpad automatic process should @ whether or not need specific type of bug report , if not prevent being reported @ all." murray offers willing prevent these unnecessary bug reports.

canonical design team: picturing end of road cycle

iain farrell explains how there 2000 submissions ubuntu wallpapers cycle , how list has been narrowed down 45 images. post includes links shortlist of images, , notes goal many possible final release.

victor tuson palau: how benefit ubuntu pre-install?

victor palau finds interesting threads in ubuntu forums addressing hardware certification , ubuntu pre-installs. in post summaries importance of program , means end user.

amber graner: community resources spreading ubuntu

community gearing ubuntu global jam beginning gear ubuntu release parties, amber graner takes moment remind community resources offered promote ubuntu on site.

scott lavender: oneiric update

scott lavender discusses ubuntu studio updates, needed, , audience striving reach 11.10 release , beyond. if use ubuntu studio please take @ lavender's post , see can lend hand or feedback.

alan bell: science of meetings

use irc ubuntu meetings you'll find alan bell's account of how new , improved meetingology bot evolved mootbot , mootbot-uk. if enjoying using meetingology online irc team meetings must read. alan bell.

jono bacon: loco team portal gets blogging support

in post jono bacon, ubuntu community manger discusses how adding loco team blogs portal helping shape site dynamic stream of information users want keep open in tab on desktop. points out how regular calls various users , contributors helped shape content , direction of site. bacon points out how teams blog added stream , support behind new feature.

in press

ubuntu 11.10 oneiric reviews

lengthy publication if summed reviews happening around community, in press, , through blogosphere. below list of reviews caught attention of uwn team.

in blogosphere

ubuntu-powered tablet computers: work or won't they?

in article thought of using ubuntu on tablet computers discussed , how compares ios , android

the graphics stack, requirements ubuntu 11.10

michael larabel discusses graphics driver options ubuntu 11.10 "oneiric ocelot". in article larabel summarizes information believes users want know you'll graphics in ubuntu 11.10.

canonical targets embedded devices ubuntu core

ubuntu's new core version see canonical advertising operating system run on embedded devices.

in other news

linus torvalds , others on community burnout

linus torvalds, along ubuntu community manager, jono bacon and, ubuntu community member , journalist, amber graner, openly discuss burnout , how spot warning signs, , recover it.

featured podcasts

ubuntu podcast uk loco: s04e14 - revelations

laura cowen, mark johnson, , tony whitmore joined guest presenter andy piper in studio episode 14 of season 4 of ubuntu podcast uk loco team!

in week's show:-
  • life after oggcamp, building nanode, oggcamp11 lanyrd page, applying ubuntu membership , having ubuntu wiki page, creating pdf form on linux (or not), upgrading natty (finally), learning use inkscape, making screencasts (on windows), , buying game ubuntu software centre.
  • interview matt revell new job launchpad product manager , jonathan lange , pkgme.
  • announce winner of our pre-oggcamp11 competition win meenee laptop.
  • in news
  • events
  • a bit ubuntu:-
  • listener feedback including mail james fox offering $15 fix ubuntu's wakeonlan function. listen show more details. can contact james on jhowardfox [at]

weekly ubuntu development team meetings

upcoming meetings , events

upcoming meetings , events please visit calendars @

updates , security 8.04, 10.04, 10.10 11.04 , 11.10

security updates

  • [usn-1197-1] firefox , xulrunner vulnerability

  • [usn-1199-1] apache vulnerability

  • [usn-1197-2] thunderbird vulnerability


ubuntu 8.04 updates

ubuntu 10.04 updates

ubuntu 10.10 updates

ubuntu 11.04 updates

ubuntu 11.10 updates

uwn translations

  • note translators , our readers please follow link below information need.


copy of ubuntu weekly newsletter delivered each week via email at:


can find older ubuntu weekly newsletter issues at:

additional ubuntu news

can find more news , announcements at:



thank reading ubuntu weekly newsletter.

see next week!


ubuntu weekly newsletter brought by:

  • elizabeth krumbach
  • philip ballew
  • amber graner
  • nigel babu
  • penelope stowe
  • and many others

glossary of terms

other acronyms can found @

ubuntu - involved

ubuntu community consists of individuals , teams, working on different aspects of distribution, giving advice , technical support, , helping promote ubuntu wider audience. no contribution small, , can help. it's chance in on community fun associated developing , promoting ubuntu.


document maintained ubuntu weekly news team. if have story idea or suggestions weekly newsletter, join ubuntu news team mailing list @ , submit it. ideas can added wiki @ if you'd contribute future issue of ubuntu weekly newsletter, please feel free edit appropriate wiki page. if have technical support questions, please send them

except otherwise noted, content in issue licensed under creative commons attribution 3.0 license -

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Weekly Newsletter Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 231



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