My elements 11 won't open files, can someone help?

i have photoshop elements 11. working , had close program , go else. when turned computer on couldn't elements open of files. won't open jpg or raw. i've tried restarting computer mulitple times , hasn't changed. still won't open files. freeze , close out of program. can please me? got program christmas , i'm wanting work.

please try this:


solution 1:


1) close elements.

2) hit on pse desktop icon launch welcome screen

3) click alt+ctrl+shift on keyboad , 3 keys pressed click photo editor. not release when see dialog box asking delete pse preferences.

4) hit ok , check now.


solution 2:

1) launch editor.

2) hit file->open , choose small file of size < 1 mb , see if opens fine

3) try file->open , choose file , choose camera raw file format , when shown acr dialog box hit ok , open file in editor.


i hope not importing fron network location might cause process slow or freeze depending on network settings , secutiry issues.


let me know comments,




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