How do you build a Custom HTML Module for Adsense? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

a dutiful , diligent search "adsense" did not turn under jooma! 3 hierarchy, i'm posting new topic. i've found in documentation:
you can use google adsense without installing extension. using adsense requires following steps:

create google user account , follow instructions creating adsense settings. in end have chunk of javascript. copy script , save file later use.
log on end of website administrator account.
go site > global configuration , change default wysiwyg editor 'editor – no editor'. if don't change default editor no editor wysiwyg editor change javascript, if edit html source.
go extensions > module manager , create new module instance of module custom html.
paste copied javascript custom output , fill in other parameters title. save module instance.
go site > global configuration , change default wysiwyg editor was.

there lot of extensions implementing google adsense (see google ads section of joomla! extensions directory. maybe of them can useful if have specific needs. if want use adsense is, don't need them.

i've had adsense years, long enough it's time update along joomla! site. did, got new code in form of javascript. pasting bare script in custom html module creates box without content. tried wrapping in html header , footer, no joy. suggestions?

it seems editor stripping out js code , that's why not displaying. try using jce editor , ensure allows javascript in default profile.


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