FindChangeByList problem



i'm trying run custom findchangebylist i'm getting error (error number 30477, error string:invalid parameter)


can help?


i have multi page document, on each page text box containing bullet list. bullet list has paragraph style called 'products_services_bullets'. have paragraph style called 'products_services_bullets (last bullet)' i'm trying use findchangebylist change paragraph style of last bullet in every text box on every page.


i have following in findchangebylist.txt file:


grep {findwhat:"\\z", appliedparagraphstyle:"products_services_bullets"} {appliedparagraphstyle:"products_services_bullets (last bullet)"} {includelockedstoriesforfind:true, includelockedlayersforfind:true, includehiddenlayers:false, includemasterpages:true, includefootnotes:true, kanasensitive:false, widthsensitive:true} //change last bullet last bullet style


anybody ideas?




your search end-of-story (\z). need character in there, ie ".\\z" (finds last character in story)

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