Joomla extentions won't work with PostgreSQL backend - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have few other threads on this. 1 has had coverage viewtopic.php?f=707&t=873690.

i couldn't install nonumberextensionmanager or sourcer on joomla 3.3.6 or joomla 3.4.0 on debian 7 remote postrgres 9.1.14 database , errors these.

code: select all

 sql=insert "l12lu_extensions" ("name","type","element","folder","client_id","enabled","access") values ('plg_system_nnframework','plugin','nnframework','system',0,1,1) returning extension_id

i had jcms on server last week troubleshoot , couldn't fix it. think there problem schema.

before "i haven't had issues because use mysql" joomla's site says postgres supported.

while joomla core supports postgres many extensions not.


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