Javascript Count If Formula needed

i trying achieve following:

i have 4 fields.


the first 3 fields might have text entries in them (or blank).


in fourth field, need able add number field if string appears in first 3 fields.



field 1 = m

field 2 = la

field 3 =


field 4 should able add 1 it's value if fields 1-3 contain la. 


i cannot simple count here because field 4 going multiple times multiple sets of fields.  also, need able add 1 if la appears twice in set of fields.


if can me started, think can rest figured out.  thinking need countif statement produce number first 3 fields , if statement add number fourth field's value dependent on result of countif.  getting in weeds how value produced countif if statement.


would appreciate help!

you need write custom javascript calculation. how (not simple) form calculations thom parker.


you have issues lower case letters or mixed case letters, , need work out logic.


javascript mdc

acrobat javascript documentation

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