injecting json files to replace text

i've created site injects text symbol when click on symbol.


not being programmer profession, i've come kludge accomplishes goal, i'd love have explain proper way this.


i'm using convert html tables json files , using fastfrag js convert json file html object.


the existing content in hidden div set nothing because couldn't figure out how replace existing html. (i append work)


new html content appended hidden div can determine height of new content.


the new height of hidden div used adjust height of stage accommodate new html.


the final destination symbol loaded , textbox content replaced html hidden div.


here's code:


$.getjson('maplinkstockton.json', function(data) {

                     //fastfraq converts json html object

                    var newhtml =fastfrag.create(data[0]);

                    //get hidden div datasize

                    var datasize = document.queryselector('#datasize');

                    //empty div


                    //append fastfraq object


                    //get height hidden div

                    divheight = $('#datasize').height();

                    //had photo height , padding create new stage height

                    newheight = divheight+600+'px';

                    //adjust stage height


                      //get html datasize div

                    var replacehtml = $('#datasize').html();

                    //get maptext symbol

                    var mysymbolobject = sym.getsymbol("maptextsym");

                    // substitute mapdatatextbox content region html




you can see in action at  links in hawaii, california, oregon , washington live.


projects files can downloaded @


in addition cleaning code, wondering how set function available have supply name of json file.


thanks in advance this.

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