Initiatives? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all.

some time ago, asked me perfect choice of cms. had think little , here responce.

"if take cck drupal, element inheritance (fluid/gridelements) typo3, forget wordpress, refactor joomla keep components-file in 1 place etc., , melt of joomla, have perfect cms."

i know there lot more it, oppinion. have worked lot these 3 cms's, professionally last 1 1/2 years drupal 7/typo3 6.2, typo3 on huge project many installations/integrations. angle developing. there no pros , cons. humble oppinion. if not agree, fine me. :)

for development, typo3 have extreme fleksibility, costs. "hard" upgrade extensions, when need upgrade new typo3 version. have upgraded long list of extensions, have done share. typo3 enterprise-ready. thats sure.

drupal 7
i love cck part, fleksibility. , if have right modules installed, can lot of things. speed awful. , lack of mvc, aaaaand on.

so why write these things other cms's/cmf's ?
i have been on hunt long time, find cms me. been working years, both architect , developer, .net , php. written lot of web-services.

my goal find best, fleksible, maintainable cms of time. lot of people says "the right cms right job". not believe in that. turn into.

i thought using yii stuff, takes way work before can done. no matter turn , try, turn joomla.

in short, love joomla. gives me fleksibility. kudo's whole community maintains joomla. if combine joomla fabrik, can come long way. when install joomla, "toys" out-of-the-box.

i have requirements though.
(not analyzed, please forgive me of not right here, feel free correct me).

1. deployment.
- typo3: hard, possible.
- drupal: yes.
- joomla: not sure write here.

2. speed.
- typo3: 7.x, yes.
- drupal: no.
- joomla: yes.

3. restful.
- typo3: no, though has called eid (extended id), possible write it.
- drupal: modules, can there. not lot of experience here.
- joomla: not know of.

4. headless.
- typo3: no.
- drupal: 8.x, yes.
- joomla: no.

5. language in core.
- typo3: yes.
- drupal: no.
- joomla: yes.

6. database-deployment/migration.
- typo3: no.
- drupal: no (maybe modules).
- joomla: no.

7. mvc.
- typo3: yes.
- drupal: no.
- joomla: yes.

8. multiple sites in same installation/database.
- typo3: yes.
- drupal: "yes".
- joomla: extension, think?

my questions (based on bla bla wrote).
1. there initiatives start moving files component, 1 place?
it makes easier use git development , makes possible find way deploy joomla-installation. easy use git , deployment files in typo3 , drupal. great change in joomla. maybe combo?

2. there initiatives write restful "implementation" core in joomla?

3. there initiatives move joomla headless-installation?
there called "cope - create once, publish everywhere". while good, want change bit. "coue - create once, use everywhere" - in combination joomla's nice backend - turn joomla content-repository.

4. there initiatives move support multiple sites core of joomla?

5. there initiatives support database-deployment/migration?

thanks patience. :)

am 1 interested in these questions?

( briefly saw post of else interested, disappeared again ???? )


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