Including javascript in Articles - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my site displaying crossword puzzles.

the software use compose them generates 2 files. there's .js has actual interactive crossword, , .html has surrounding text , section calls script, looks (except has "<" instead of "^" because question won't post valid html):

^script src="crosswordcompilerapp/jquery.js"></script>
^script src="crosswordcompilerapp/raphael.js"></script>
^script src="crosswordcompilerapp/crosswordcompiler.js"></script>
^script src="alchemi2.js"></script>
$(function(){ $("#crosswordcompilerpuz").crosswordcompiler(crosswordpuzzledata,null, {submitmethod:"post",progress : "" , rootimages: crosswordcompilerapp/crosswordimages/" } );});</script>

^div id="crosswordcompilerpuz"></div>

i'd expect replace .html article. i've got crosswordcompilerapp folder in site's public_html folder, should able find that. ideally, i'd able run code fragment above 1 variable - "alchemi2.js" or "whateverelse.js".

any suggestions?

the editor filters javascript can edit tinymce plugin options that(or options of editor use). [url][tags][]=&filter[core_catid]=&filter[includes]=&filter[versions]=&filter[type]=&filter[hasdemo]=&filter[newupdated]=&filter[score]=&dir=desc&limitstart=&controller=filter&view=extension&layout=list&itemid=145&clearorders=0&clearfilters=1[/url]


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