Connection to external xml file

how use external xml file data source livecycle form?


i have xml file on server updated every few days script. livecycle form on server , can pushed client click of button on web page or similar. possible have livecycle form refresh data before being sent client, or every few days?


i thinking on load of form, javascript function check if form on server, or check if xml file there, , if is, update itself, else nothing.


i rather keep xml file , form seperate other applications , scripts make use of xml file.



1) if form being used internally on same network (ie: xml file availabe via network th form), form can query local files, requires advanced scripting.

i haven't done shared network drives tho. - if do, use solution two


2)  assuming use lc reader extensions , form 'all over', not on originating network.

- expose xml file via webservice (if not sensitive data)

- form query webservice


3)but if have livecycle installed forms.

use readxml component , bind xml form.

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