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Thread: Why are ubuntu fonts .... so thick?

hi ..!

using ubuntu after 4 years - because development environment has changed ubuntu (for good) ! however, 1 thing fonts keeps me nagging ...

think every 1 have noticed this, , know reason - why ubuntu fonts 'thick' - if may use word describe feel. in comparison windows fonts - absolutely newbie in font related terminology (like anti-aliasing etc).

have dual boot window7/ubuntu 10.10 same resolution of 1366x768 in both - however, somehow there seems 'less space' work in ubuntu. believe way fonts rendered in ubuntu vs windows ?

can please enlighten - why major difference - , not cause of concern among ubuntu users? - because have not seen many threads related issue.

- there clean way of getting 'thin' fonts in ubuntu - without many hacks , complete ubuntu environment looking seamless these changes?

[p.s. posted windows after numerous failed attempts @ posting ubuntu got stuck @ waiting .... ]

thick? mine seem fine, seem thick? in program? everywhere?

check appearance settings, , go "fonts" tab. settings there? maybe they're set bigger should be.

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