[Solved] - How can I search an user by custom field ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support
sorry if english wrong, i'm french
i have create website student association. wanted extend fields of user profile save 'formation' , 'promotion' of student. i've created component allows administrator manage formations , promotions. i've created plugin extend user fields. user can choose promotion , formation in profile. main feature of website student directory. feature should allow find student name, formation or promotion.
i don't know how can solve problem because i've used table #__user_profiles , custom fields saved :

i can make request find user name , promotion or formation, don't know how can make request allows find user promotion , formation. problem find mysql request i'm not sql.
sorry if english wrong, i'm french
i have create website student association. wanted extend fields of user profile save 'formation' , 'promotion' of student. i've created component allows administrator manage formations , promotions. i've created plugin extend user fields. user can choose promotion , formation in profile. main feature of website student directory. feature should allow find student name, formation or promotion.
i don't know how can solve problem because i've used table #__user_profiles , custom fields saved :
i can make request find user name , promotion or formation, don't know how can make request allows find user promotion , formation. problem find mysql request i'm not sql.
depending of amount of users/entries, build normal select-list/dropdown field 'searchable' informations text, like
then add chosen-behavior it, makes entries searchable.
i've build 1 approx. 5400 entries (citynames , postcodes), , works perfect - entries searchable/being autocompleted postcode-number or name.
code: select all
<option value="[user_id]">firstname lastname - promotion - formation</option>
then add chosen-behavior it, makes entries searchable.
i've build 1 approx. 5400 entries (citynames , postcodes), , works perfect - entries searchable/being autocompleted postcode-number or name.
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