Error 520: unable to create temporary image file
i've been , repeatably experiencing error first 2 times launch script. third , subsequent lauches go smoothly, unless reboot ps - moves situation square 1 (1st launch fails, 2nd launch fails, 3rd ok).
the script contains, among rest, scriptui window embedded graphics - suggested in scriptui guide dummies use following code serialize png icons:
function graphic_to_text(infiles /*array of file objects*/ ) { var outfile, s, re1 = /^\(new string\(/, re2 = /\)\)$/; (var = 0; < infiles.length; i++) { if (infiles[i].exists) { outfile = new file(infiles[i].fullname.replace(/\.(png|idrc|jpg)$/, ".txt")); infiles[i].open("r"); infiles[i].encoding = "binary";"w"); s = infiles[i].read(); outfile.write(s.tosource().replace(re1, "").replace(re2, ";")); infiles[i].close(); outfile.close(); } } } var file = new file($.filename); var folder = new folder(file.path); graphic_to_text(folder.getfiles("*.png"));
which embed (looong) strings way:
var zoomfitpng = "\u0089png\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rihdr\x00\x00\x00\ /* etc. etc. */ \u00aeb`\u0082" win.previewandprogressgroup.zoomgroup.zoomfitbutton.image = zoominpng;
so far i've never had problem - strangely enough i'm getting error (and weird pattern of fails , successes). forgot mention when script runs supposed do, graphics ok.
if you're wondering, osx 10.8.2, ps cs6 (13.0.3).
any suggestion welcome. in advance!
i having exact same issue in after effects.
it working months! script has embedded image not loading , giving error??
did have success...?
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