TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.


typeerror: error #1009: cannot access property or method of null object reference.

          at test1_fla::maintimeline/openpage1()[test1_fla.maintimeline::frame2:82]

at test1_fla::maintimeline/onclickbtn1()[test1_fla.maintimeline::frame2:52]





line 77 -83:

function openpage1():void


          var pagenum11:int;

          pagenum11 = pagenum1 - 1;

          trace("tween" + pagenum11 + pagenum1);

          mainmenu.tweentext.getchildbyname("tween" + pagenum11 + pagenum1).addtarget(mainmenu.pane1.text1, 1);



line 46-59:

function onclickbtn1(e:mouseevent):void




                    case mainmenu.pane1.btndown:

                              pagenum1 += 1;



                    case mainmenu.pane1.btnup:


                              pagenum1 -= 1;





can tell me did wrong?

if line 82 addtarget line, either


  mainmenu.tweentext.getchildbyname("tween" + pagenum11 + pagenum1)






don't exist when code executes.  use trace function determine which.

More discussions in ActionScript 3



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