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Thread: USRobotics FaxModem Cannot open /dev/modem

i need install usrobotics 56k serial controller faxmodem (5686g) ubuntu 10.04 lucid connect other modems @ remote sites data.

far had following problems, please help!

installed gnome-network-admin, system->administration->network, no connection tab, got "general", "dns" , "hosts".

installed wvdial , dependencies, wvdial returns: cannot open /dev/modem: no such file or directory.

if use minicom, ok, can connect , talk modem. modem connected , working. why wvdial not working?

way, usrobotics modem not have linux driver. did download , installed latest linux firmware modem.

need help. thanks!

update problem:

installed gnome-ppp, set device /dev/ttys0 instead of /dev/modem, modem connected serial port.

got: (screen print)
--> wvdial: internet dialer version 1.60
--> cannot set information serial port.
--> initializing modem.
--> sending: atx3
--> sending: atq0
--> re-sending: atx3
--> modem not responding.

if run minicom, got (screen print)

need control modem c program, same wvdial, modem not responding.
in advance!

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [SOLVED] USRobotics FaxModem Cannot open /dev/modem



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