LayerSet.Merge() throwing COM exception

hi all,

    i'm using com interop photoshop in c# assembly automate actions in photoshop. problem layerset.merge() throws com exception in situations. don't know if have cases, in general, assumed layerset.merge() collapse layerset, regardless of how many nested layersets , artlayers in artlayer assign activelayer. appears not case. this:


// store state

historystate state = d.activehistorystate;


d.activelayer = set.merge();



// process layer in way...


// restore state           

d.activehistorystate = state;


where d activedocument , set layerset i'd merge. checked in debugger , activedocument (d) not null , right document opened in photoshop. layerset i'm calling merge() on (set) not null , correct layerset, reason, exception:


system.runtime.interopservices.comexception unhandled user code

message: general photoshop error occurred. functionality may not available in version of photoshop.

- object "layer 38 of document 37" not available.


my photoshop file looks this:










so code loops through , merges each layerset starting @ deepest point. in other words, myset1_2 merged first , assigned activelayer (then processed etc) , works. myset1_2 merged , assigned activelayer, myset1 merged , that's when hit com exception.


i assumed layerset.merge() same using layer->mergelayers in photoshop ui, that's apparently not case since can merge of layersets using ui, com object seems balk.


does have idea issue is?




sorry can't answer question use c#.

as work around might try...



   app.dojavascript( "app.activedocument.activelayer.merge();", null, null);  

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