How to import photos from iPhoto Library to Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Editor?

i can't use adobe photoshop elements 10 editor edit photos iphoto library. if choose file, open, , select 'iphoto library', error message "could not complete request because of program error."

you can't way. attempt poke around in iphoto library outside iphoto damage library , cause lose photos, pse won't let you. have 2 choices:


1. set pse external editor, send photos iphoto, , save them without changing name or format (you may need adjust editor prefs>saving files>on first save let this). iphoto remember original , last edited version.


be sure choose file in applications>adobe photoshop elements 10>support files external editor, not 1 @ top level of pse 10 folder in applications:




2. export photos iphoto, use file>open in pse editor open images , save them whatever changes name or format like, , reimport saved images iphoto new files. way can save many versions like.

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