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Thread: help with some basic python

i'm relatively new python , haven't got hang of yet. below function code have been writing. snagged on problem ii can't fathom remedy , hoping guide me how might negate issue.
context of code calculator of % frequency of values. "distro" large dictionary of integers , frequencies.

output insists "data" object created nonetype.
nonetype? why there 1 here? can around them?

php code:
def print_stats(distro):
del distro['total']
data = [(vk) for kv in distro.items()]
data sorted(data)
data data.reverse()
data data[:10# this returns nonetype is not subscriptable

names=[]; numbers=[]
kv in data:  # this returns nonetype is not iterable

x in range(len(numbers)):
= (numbers[x]/l)*100    
numbers[x] =

quote posted beauxesprits13 view post
php code:
def print_stats(distro):
del distro['total']
data = [(vk) for kv in distro.items()]
data sorted(data)
data data.reverse()
data data[:10# this returns nonetype is not subscriptable

names=[]; numbers=[]
kv in data:  # this returns nonetype is not iterable

x in range(len(numbers)):
= (numbers[x]/l)*100    
numbers[x] =
the problem line:
data = data.reverse()
the reverse method works "in place" or "destructively", meaning modifies original list forever. makes unnecessary return reversed list, because data reversed list.

yes, me, comes lisp used lisp , functional programming, having destructive list reversal function makes me mad. there should functional, non-destructive version worked wanted.

nonetype come from? well, data.reverse doesn't return anything, data becomes none... none python's way has no value nor type , it's when value function returns nothing.

so, don't reassign data @ line. data.reverse() , that's it.

edit: reason, wrote came lisp. no, that's not true: learned lisp after learning python. corrected, factual accuracy

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