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Thread: is Ubuntu supposed to compete with Windows???

please tell me wrong. please tell me installed wrong software version. have had chance @ ubuntu 11.04 first hand. realise must have made mistake, setting wrong or perhaps installation not yet finished? dos-ages?

honest, though have never seen or worked on linux system before first impression good. installation, once mastered making proper bootable diks, went fluently , there no silly pro-american issues, making difficult proper english spelling windows still does. expected how ever more have tasted today. perhaps bit disappointed. apart speed of program feel on 12 mhz dos machine 1986. windows # or mac os # may have weak points, both operating designers have managed develop operating system works mouse-click or two. have remember program name , type in command line used 25 years ago in dos 3.1.
why, not possible anymore create batch file can start program via 1 click?? task manager in eighties using function keys!! pre-type hundreds of program entries , never needed know placed or program start file called.
told ubuntu need less power , less memory windows , not seem true. little fanless 533mhz epia mini itx 256mb ram run windows xp without fail. never fast never hung either. ubuntu installed on it?? noo
i play bit more ubuntu before decide weather stay with- or leave windows, can’t mark ubunto more 70% windows seems prefered one.

well, having said of this, forward comments , advice. please correct me mistaken because if can leave windows will.

hi , welcome, if have issues ubuntu why not ask assistance instead of trying flame.

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