No input file specified error on non-standard link - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

in installed joomla 3 in folder of root host. enabled mod_rewrite, sef, .htaccess , standard stuff sef/seo working.

google webmaster tools report serious error indexing website because while trying ...index.php/wrong_link doesn't 404 no input file specified error.

first thing wonder why google checks index.php/wrong_link. anyway wonder why joomla standard htaccess doesn't manage link correctly, removing index.php , giving 404 page.

i have 2 .htaccess files, 1 in root rewrite folder joomla installed ( , standard joomla .htaccess in joomla folder.

how solve this?

thank you

i think should check wrong url gwt, fix them , re-submit.


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