links in PDF documents displayed in web page not working - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

we non-profit organization. our joomla website has page have pdf documents download.
in appropriate place, once link clicked, pdf document displayed, either read or download it.
each pdf has paypal donation button link embedded within. , each paypal link different since open different donations accounts.
while still in browser, if donation button clicked, corresponding paypal account should open, works of documents while others open different account (usually same wrong one, go figure)
however, if pdf documents downloaded , opened in computer software (like adobe reader) links work perfectly.
once again, online work unacceptably, downloaded work correctly.
in order discard possibility related pdf creation, recreated scratch of them , saved them in same way. problem persists. , same pdfs ones not working!!!
is related setting in our joomla? (no cache enabled!)
just in case, though seems obvious, newbie of newbies in joomla, somehow experienced in many things computer-related, pointer appreciated.
this link if decides take pick. (see links near bottom!) in advance! ... -talk.html

i tried links , pdf files can viewed or downloaded fine on machine. also, donate buttons in pdf files work while in browser , when in acrobat pdf reader or writer. paypal buttons massachusetts citizens children.

now if links in pdf files not want need recreate document in word.

if not case, please point 1 or 2 links think wrong.

please note files identical far can see didn't read them because allergic reading!!! fall asleep if start reading thing unless doing @ same time.


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