Lightroom 3.6 freezes and does not respond.

i have been using lightroom 3.6 on windows 7 64 bit computer on year , has performed flawlessly.  today, in middle of correcting large job (500 pictures), stopped working.  message "lightroom not responding".  locked up. eventually, unlocks, then, when try locks again.  have checked computer usage issues , other programs performing normally.

i in deep trouble if can't complete job!

try lr4.3. if don't want use pv2012 current job (or other job), don't have to.


it may have same problem, or may not, whether or doesn't, you'll know things might resolve issues.


more generally, consider disconnecting non-critical hardware (and software), , check hard disk (and ram).


consider rolling os (or re-installing) if none of above helps.


usually (always) problems due hardware or programs/data - need figure out one...


sorry haven't been more - maybe else has more specific experience...



More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC



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