Client variables stored in registry getting errors

i'm moving cf9 cf10.  on new server i've moved things over, , run suggested lock-down proceedures.  on cf9 box, i'm using registry store client variables.


on new server i've set use registry store client variables.  in coldfusion-out file, i'm getting errors like:


jan 15, 2013 15:39:03 pm information [ajp-bio-8012-exec-4] - unable set value hkey_local_machine\software\macromedia\coldfusion\currentversion\clients\4210-c8158ffa199 3bc18-7cf31106-90b1-1c19-1b0c24f3bdd33d8c\hitcount: windows error number 0 occurred.the handle invalid. 

jan 15, 2013 15:39:03 pm information [ajp-bio-8012-exec-4] - unable set value hkey_local_machine\software\macromedia\coldfusion\currentversion\clients\4210-c8158ffa199 3bc18-7cf31106-90b1-1c19-1b0c24f3bdd33d8c\cftoken: windows error number 0 occurred.the handle invalid. 

jan 15, 2013 15:39:03 pm information [ajp-bio-8012-exec-4] - unable set value hkey_local_machine\software\macromedia\coldfusion\currentversion\clients\4210-c8158ffa199 3bc18-7cf31106-90b1-1c19-1b0c24f3bdd33d8c\cfid: windows error number 0 occurred.the handle invalid.


on new server, cf logs in own user whereas on old system, cf logged in admin.  i'm guessing might issue. 


anyone having similar issues or can suggest solution?  did search people either turing off client variables or answer 2006. 



this isn't helpful, shouldn't use registry client vars. registry not database, it's config... er... [thing].


it stupid of macromedia (allaire?) ever offer option.


you can screw entire server if things go wrong it.


recommend moving 'em db , done (even wee derby db should fine... better registry, anyhow).


then problem go away anyhow.




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