Acrobat X Standard - slow to open

good morning;


i working resolve issue acrobat x standard (10.1.5).  appears loading stamps when acrobat opens causes timely delay, depending on number , size of stamps files.  has not been issue 8.x , 9.x using exact same number of stamps files. 


if @ table below, i've used procmon measure time takes acrobat process start time file displayed on screen , ui responsive.   "only default" refers 7 stamps files included acrobat standard out of box.  use additional 7 files customized stamps related our business.



stampsload time
none1.7 seconds
only default3.9 seconds
only custom7.1 seconds
default + custom14.2 seconds


as can see, add more files load time increases @ steady increment (note load times 20-30% bloated due overhead of running procmon).


i understand there add'l load time more stamps used, considering same stamps 8.x , 9.x took fraction of time (2 seconds, on average), there big loss of efficiency here.  there can done reduce this, besides obvious answer of removing stamps (which not option).

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