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Thread: DisplayLInk and Ubuntu 11, still green screen

've justed returned lovely ubuntu after years of non-linux os.

anyhow, have toshiba l630 14c laptop, ubuntu seemed recognizing must of hardware, although i'm using 2 external screens besides laptop screen (which want turn off).

moment, usb display adepter recognized, gets green right away, though can't insert him xorg.conf since x crashes, issue screen, using usb adapter doesn't send eeid , x doesn't know how use it. tried override eeid , still didn't work. since 2 of screens same, tried 'tricking' copying eeid file vga (recognized) screen usb connected one, kinda worked since other screen recognized though display not good, couldn't refresh self , see pixels when move mouse.

@ moment have displaylink drivers installed, green screen, though doesn't sends eeid making x not start properly.

ideas guys?

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