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Thread: HOWTO: Fix network-related freezing errors

i've noticed quite few users having ubuntu, or other linux distribution lock whenever shutdown, stand-by, disconnect wireless internet, or on login screen. due conflicting wireless adapter/card drivers. in other words, there's 2 drivers/modules trying access same hardware. whenever causes networking system turned off (be shutdown, stand-by or manually disabling it), system freezes. guide aim fix issue removing module , blacklisting it.

disclaimer: far know, conflicting wireless modules rt2860s use on realtek/ralink wireless cards. might work other models, cannot guarantee it. if run problem along way, try best solve it, responsibility. if goes wrong, see "part two: recovery" section @ end of guide reverse process.

part 1 - removal
step 1 - identify wifi adapter module
open terminal window. default key combination ctrl+alt+t. enter command list modules/drivers in use hardware , highlight ones "rt" in name:
lsmod | grep rt
if shows along lines of "rt2860", good. we've found culprit. if not, please either turn , seek elsewhere or continue , @ own risk.

step 2 - modprobe
modprobe, basically, simple tool included in linux kernel used add or remove module. need remove wifi adapter module our troubles go away, we'll go ahead , enter these commands remove both wifi drivers, add 1 in.
remove first module:
sudo modprobe -rf rt2800pci
and remove second one:
sudo modprobe -rf rt2800sta
then add 1 in:
sudo modprobe rt2860sta
step 3 - backup blacklist
before blacklist offending module, recommend backing blacklist file @ /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf. this, we'll make copy of file , put in home folder.
sudo cp /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ~
make sure include last tilde (~).

step 4 - blacklist
it's time rid of module once , all. enter following command terminal:
blacklist rt2800pci | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
step 5 - restart
can right? if not
sudo reboot
and that's it! problem gone. reading guide. if have problems after restarting, or need reverse process, see below.

part 2 - recovery
did screw computer up? damn. here, follow these instructions.

step 1 - un-blacklist
take backup of blacklist file in home directory , replace new 1 command:
sudo mv ~/blacklist.conf /etc/modprobe.d/
step 2 - un-modprobe
use command add module in:
sudo modprobe rt2800pci
i hope helped. improvements, suggestions, or questions welcome. either reply thread or pm me.

credit commands goes linuxexperte , life saving post:

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless HOWTO: Fix network-related freezing errors



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