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Thread: Help with a shell script

basically, have file containing 30,000 emails, i've extracted them complex file structure. in current file emails structured below:

{f8dc1601-8568-437d-920d-8cc5fbffe0a9}`  {f8df7a92-40ab-45e8-ace2-2207122280d9}`  {f8e2569e-dcd6-4ad4-943f-a3fb9b0f13a9}`  {f8e8c85e-b770-492d-b1e0-6d1bb6bf3621}`  {f8eb1649-1d21-4942-9763-0c331fd8f3f0}`  {f8ebdcaf-b321-40ef-981d-aba0f815cd08}`  {f8ec584c-e503-4e68-a2a7-62908bb65694}`  {f8f05cd5-c827-4b2c-923d-27b796bf797b}`  {f8f38af4-573d-42f8-a84e-fe02ffb66e46}`
i'd print email addresses , disregard of other information, i've took shot @ using grep & awk lack of spaces proving troublesome, got insight? appreciated!

you can use awk's -f option define field separator. far can tell e-mail addresses after colon:
awk -f: '{print $2}' file

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