"Copy file failed" error when installing extensions on Plesk - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

just quick note on plesk servers, directory , file owner , group may assigned apache , apache. don't know why happens, it's happened me several times.

the solution recursively reassign owner , group permissions correct settings.

in plesk can view files subscription clicking file tab. you'll see apache apache files. i've noticed if extension upgrade fails "copy file failed" error, un-upgradable extension has apache apache owner/group. make note of correct owner , group rest of files.

login server via ssh , cd site directory, "httpdocs" on plesk (making note of directory path, /var/www/vhosts/yourdomain.com/httpdocs on plesk).

then enter following command @ prompt:

code: select all

chown -r ownername:groupname /path/to/directoryname

assuming you've entered correct ownername:groupname in above, correct owner/group permissions , fix "copy file failed" problem!

hope helpful someone.

plesk worst platform run joomla website on. it's full of permission issues , cause lot of confusion. whm way better - might others feel differently it.

we told major hosting company deprecating plesk on network (they no longer offering new clients).


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