Rtmpte not responding (on the first request)

i running adobe media server 4.5 on windows 2008 , testing purposes have no firewall enabled. clients , servers on same v-lan

i created .swf on adobe flash pro cs 5.5 action script 3 , support adobe flash 10 , 10.1


i calling swf located on webroot calling rtmpte::/server-ip/app/filename


i call swf ie or chrome , noting happens, if right click on screen, adobe player 10 options (zoom in, quality, print, global settings, etc). can see player's (strobe media playback) banner (play, pause full screen, etc) @ buttom of screen if wait 5 seconds , hit refresh video play fine.

if call video ams player works fine, if go server's browser have same issue clients. 

if check access logs can see


any clues anyone?



try editing ams.ini file. add server's ip address key "adaptor.httpident2". restart server.


also, swf located in webroot should call "rtmpte://server-ip/app/filename" not "rtmpte::/server-ip/app/filename".


try making rtmpte connection server , check if request getting logged in access log.

More discussions in Adobe Media Server



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