Problem installing cs5.5 master collection on windows 7

i got packet cs5 master colection adobe , tried install. , tell me wrong? because dont understand anything

exit code: 7

-------------------------------------- summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 142 error(s), 138 warning(s)

----------- payload: {92d58719-bbc1-4cc3-a08b-56c9e884cc2c} microsoft_vc80_crt_x86 -----------

error: error 1402.could not open key: unknown\components\da42bc89bf25f5bd0af18c3b9b1a1ee8\91785d291cbb3cc40ab8659c8e48ccc2.   verify have sufficient access key, or contact support personnel.

error: install msi payload failed error: 1603 - ett allvarligt fel inträffade under installationen.

msi error message: error 1402.could not open key: unknown\components\da42bc89bf25f5bd0af18c3b9b1a1ee8\91785d291cbb3cc40ab8659c8e48ccc2.   verify have sufficient access key, or contact support personnel.

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure

error: dw050: following payload errors found during install:

error: dw050:  - adobe extendscript toolkit cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe buzzword cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe dreamweaver cs5.5: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc90_atl_x86: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe linguistics cs5 x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - air apple ios support (fb): install failed

error: dw050:  - digital publishing: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - adobe photoshop cs5.1 core: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - adobe premiere pro cs5.5 support: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc80_atl_x86: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe photoshop cs5.1 core_x64: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - recommended common fonts installation x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - suite shared configuration cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobepdfl x64 cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - dynamiclinksupport: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc80_mfcloc_x86_x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe photoshop cs5.1 international english language pack_adobephotoshop12-en_gb: install failed

error: dw050:  - ie plugin cs5.1: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe illustrator cs5.1: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - adobe illustrator cs5.1_adobeillustrator15_1en_gblanguagepack: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe flash cs5.5_adobemobileextension_flash11.5-en_us: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe xmp panels cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - pixel bender toolkit: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe winsoft linguistics plugin cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - photoshop camera raw (64 bit)_6.3_adobecameraraw6.0all-x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe hunspell linguistics plugin cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - csxs story extension: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe dreamweaver cs5.5_adobedreamweaver11.5en_uslanguagepack: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe digital publishing application language files_adobedigitalpublishingapplang-en_gb: install failed

error: dw050:  - photoshop camera raw: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe onlocation cs5.1_adobeonlocation5.1en_uslanguagepack: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe onlocation cs5.1 third party content: install failed

error: dw050:  - camera profiles installer: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe extension manager cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe xmp panels cs5_3.1_adobexmppanelsall: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe flash player 10 plugin: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobecolorcommonsetrgb: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc80_crt_x86_x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobecolorphotoshop cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - firefox plugin cs5.1: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe linguistics cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe device central cs5.5: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - office plugin cs5.1: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe mini bridge cs5.1: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobemotionpicture cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe sing cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe indesign cs5.5 common language files_adobeindesign7xcommonlang-en_us: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe photoshop cs5.1 international english language pack_x64_adobephotoshop12-en_gb_x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobecolorcommonsetcmyk: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe fireworks cs5.1_adobefireworks11.1.0en_gblanguagepack: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe onlocation cs5.1: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - adobe indesign cs5.5 application feature set files: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe after effects cs5.5 third party content: install failed

error: dw050:  - photoshop camera raw (64 bit): install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc90_mfc_x86: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe flash builder 4.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe media encoder cs5.5 x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe contribute cs5.1_adobecontribute6.1en_gblanguagepack: install failed

error: dw050:  - air apple ios support (fp): install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe linguistics cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - pdf settings cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobetypesupport cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe csxs infrastructure cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe flash player 10 activex: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe indesign cs5.5 common base files: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe flash fonts1: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe after effects cs5.5 support: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe onlocation cs5.1 third party content wrapper: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobecoloreu cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobehelp: install failed

error: dw050:  - required common fonts installation x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc90_atl_x86_x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe indesign cs5.5 application base files: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - adobe indesign cs5.5 icon handler: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe fireworks cs5.1: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - adobe story: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc90_mfcloc_x86_x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc80_atl_x86_x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc90_crt_x86_x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc80_crt_x86: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe indesign cs5.5 application language files_adobeindesign7xapplang-en_gb: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe device central cs5.5_devicecentral3.5lp-en_gb: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe flash cs5.5_adobeflash11.5-en_uslanguagepack: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobecmaps x64 cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobetypesupport x64 cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe indesign cs5.5 icon handler x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - camera profiles installer_6.3_adobecamerarawprofile6.0all: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc90_mfc_x86_x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobecolorja cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobeoutputmodule: install failed

error: dw050:  - acrobat professional: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe audition_adobeaudition4en_uslanguagepack: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe winsoft linguistics plugin cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe winsoft linguistics plugin cs5 x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc90_mfcloc_x86: install failed

error: dw050:  - air apple ios support wrapper: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobepdfl cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobecmaps cs5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe toolhints cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe csxs extensions cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe encore cs5.1_adobeencore5.1en_uslanguagepack: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe indesign cs5.5 common language files_adobeindesign7xcommonlang-en_gb: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe after effects cs5.5 presets: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe after effects cs5.5 third party content wrapper: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe after effects cs5.5_adobeaftereffects10.5en_uslanguagepack: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc80_mfc_x86_x64: install failed

error: dw050:  - ph: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe reviewpanel cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - required common fonts installation: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobecolorvideoprofilesae cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - americanenglishspeechanalysismodels: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe premiere pro cs5.5: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - adobe player embedding x64 3.1: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe switchboard 2.0: install failed

error: dw050:  - hil search: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc80_mfc_x86: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe player embedding 3.1: install failed

error: dw050:  - cs5.5 master collection: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe audition: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - adobe flash catalyst cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - microsoft_vc80_mfcloc_x86: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe flash cs5.5: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - sitecatalyst netaverages cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe contribute cs5.1: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - adobe indesign cs5.5 application base files2: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe flash cs5.5_adobemobileextension_flash11.5-mul: install failed

error: dw050:  - recommended common fonts installation: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobecolorna cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobejre: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe player embedding 3.2: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe after effects cs5.5: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - adobecolorvideoprofilescs cs5.5: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe bridge cs5.1: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe photoshop cs5.1 support: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe dreamweaver widget browser: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe encore cs5.1: failed due language pack installation failure

error: dw050:  - photoshop camera raw_6.3_adobecameraraw6.0all: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe premiere pro cs5.5_adobepremierepro5.5en_uslanguagepack: install failed

error: dw050:  - adobe content viewer: install failed


More discussions in Creative Suites Windows



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