MuseJSAssert: Error Calling Selector Function:[Object Error]

i've searched muse community in various discussions , while "musejsassert" discussions show up, nothing has been discussed online regarding "object error". cannot seem make super simple changes on page @ all: - re-upload same page know works user gets error message. 


in fact, can't seem make easy changes on of pages more w/o problems. , no matter how hard try call or contact muse support, i'm told "someone you" or "send me file , i'll see if can fix problem" , never hear back.  responses adobe far have been poor customer service b/c problem not being solved. 

at point website needs complete over-haul - html code screwed also!  muse nice color number can find no way, no access html code.


i can found at: - pay muse monthly , have been nothing frustrated on 6 months.  also, tried local (san francisco-based) tutor , adobe never responded how can best find consultant pay me out!  posted request on craigs list no avail.  i'd appreciate direct contact adobe.

hi nsroberts,


it looks 1 of js files out of sync. suspect you're exporting site locally , uploading via third party client. if doing this, make sure upload files server ensure gets updated. also, if ftp option, can use our built in ftp client in muse file menu , muse upload modified files (as long option selected).


as far access html code, isn't possible in muse. because muse doesn't use html when building page, , instead converts page on export html. said, provide tools, around text, looks might benefit from. don't give direct access code, should give controls need improve code muse generates on own.


the first tool change tag text exported in. names of of classes, looks you'd include heading tags in code (that is, <h1> , <h2> tags). can applying paragraph style block of text. if take @ this adobekb tutorial, should figure out aspect. secondly, on menus, noticed using images separate menu items , give them rounded corners, can accomplish via rounded corner controls within muse , make sure works across browsers. , lastly, see have number of blank lines space out paragraphs, , @ moment, can add lot of empty <p> tags. looking @ ways optimize automatically, can fix in meantime using paragraph spacing. control found in text panel , looks this:

space before , after.png


if have other functionality trying accomplish editing html unable to, please let know. won't able solve every case, looking functionality want able use in muse.




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