Encrypted voice over RTMFP



i'm coding encrypted voice messanger. heard, sound stream in netstream encrypted symmetric key algorithm. true? if is, generated? key exchange between peers based on sth ssl (public key algorithm safe protocol)? want sure nobody cannot access symmetric key. appreciate detailed information encrypting transmission (graphs, technical references) because preparing graduate work it. thank in advance help.

the following information we/i have publicly disclosed in past. i'm not able @ time share more.


all packets encrypted aes-128-cbc.


aes encryption keys derived end-to-end using diffie-hellman 1024-bit prime modulus (rfc 2409 modp group 2).


all flash client rtmfp certificates include diffie-hellman public key that's used in end-to-end key agreement.  "peer id" (netconnection.nearid) sha-256 hash of certificate.  diffie-hellman private/public key chosen randomly every new netconnection using platform's cryptographic pseudorandom number source (such /dev/urandom).


this construction makes flash client peer ids unforgeable.  1 netconnection in operating flash client can ever have particular peer id.  possible have successful network connection between 2 client peers if peers possess private keys associated public keys.  attacker pretending peer can copy certificate won't have private key, network connection can't succeed (since attacker can't compute diffie-hellman shared secret goes connection between 2 peer ids, , therefore can't compute aes session keys other end expecting).


the nearnonce , farnonce derived diffie-hellman shared secret, , known 2 endpoints.  secret , unforgeable.  can used cryptographic challenges in application-layer handshakes.

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