CF10 - Random Access Denied errors (

i've been having error randomly plaguing me.  reason, following error message:


the web site accessing has experienced unexpected error.

please contact website administrator.

the following information meant website developer debugging purpose!

error occurred while processing request j

security: requested template has been denied

access c:/coldfusion10/cfusionl/wwwroot/cfide.

the following internal exception message: access denied ( c:/coldfusion10/cfusionl/wwwroot/cfide read)


. enable robust exception information provide greater detail source

of errors, in administrator, click debugging & logging > debug output

settings, , select robust exception information option.

. check coldfusion documentation verify using correct


. search knowledge base find solution problem.





whenever error, if refresh, return page expected.  seems happen if site has been idle time.  if refresh 100 times in row afterwards, loads every time without problem.


here code file:

<cfquery name="columntest" datasource="myds">

    select table_name




<cfdump var="#columntest#">


this on windows server 2008 r2, coldfusion 10 update 7.  application inside security sandbox.  thought might need add path security sandbox of application work doesn't make sense why refresh of page magically make work.

the cfide directory in iis virtual directory pointing portions of /cfide directory such /cfide/scripts , /cfide/classes.


any ideas?

is vd pointing same cfide show error message referring in screenshot (that within instance1 cfide)? if not, may 1 you’re pointing (if elsewhere) may not cf10 version of cfide files.



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