Ubuntu and Joomla (CHMOD777)? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey there joomla community. i'm running apache2 ubuntu 14. i've set basic components , website running fine. have chmod 777 on of folders in web root , web root folder (but not of sub-directories or files) , receive following error when installing extensions.

code: select all

library uninstall: manifest file invalid or not found.

copy failed

jinstaller: :install: failed copy file /var/www/html/tmp/install_54286a86f171c/packages/install_54286a8713dda/kunena.xml /var/www/html/administrator/manifests/libraries/kunena.xml

library install: not copy setup file.

package install: there error installing extension: lib_kunena_v3.0.6.zip

i have tried many methods attempting install extension, suggestions?

install suphp. not flag 777.


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